"Dizem que o homem não nasce ruim, a sociedade que o corrompe. Se somos fruto da criação da sociedade, como ela pode ter o direito de julgar-nos se a culpa é parcialmente dela?" Tim Maia
segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2014
Suicide Prevention Chat - unsuicide.wikispaces.com/
Online Suicide Help
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Can't talk on the phone, and seeking alternative help for emotional crisis? Find e-mental health services (live chat, texting, email, forums, social media, Skype, apps, videos, and more).
*Suicide...read this first*
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Instant Messaging (IM) Chat
113 Online (Dutch)
7 Cups of Tea (global access)
Care Crisis Chat (USA)
Childline (UK)
Common Ground (USA)
ConnecTeen (Calgary, Canada)
Contra Costa Crisis Chat (Contra Costa, CA, USA)
Crisis Centre Chat (Canada)
CrisisChat (USA)
Crisisline Online (Finger Lakes, NY, USA)
Crisis Support Centre Online Chat (Edmonton, Canada)
Distress Centre (Calgary, Canada)
eheadspace (Australia)
Get Connected (UK)
GLBT National Help Center Online Peer Support Chat (USA)
TheHopeLine Live HopeCoach Chat (USA)
IM Alive (USA)
Iowa Crisis Chat (Iowa, USA - service in English or Mandarin)
Jeunesse, J’écoute (French-Canadian)
Kids Helpline (Australia)
Kids Help Phone (Canada)
Leeds Nightline (Leeds, UK)
Leeds Survivor Led Crisis Service (Leeds, UK)
Lifeline Crisis Chat (Australia)
Long Island Crisis Center (Long Island, NY, USA)
Montana Warmline Chat (USA)
NAMI Orange County Warmline Chat (USA, Canada)
Northern Youth Online (Canada)
Ó Lá Go Lá (Ireland)
On the Line (Australia)
RAINN Online Hotline (global access)
Veteran's Live Chat (global access for USA vets)
San Francisco Suicide Prevention (San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA)
Scarleteen (txt USA, other services global access)
Strathclyde and Caledonian Nightline Online Listening (UK)
Teen Line Online (USA)
Teenlink (USA)
866Teenlink (USA)
Tel-jeunes (French-Canadian)
TrevorChat (USA)
Your Life Counts (Canada)
Your Life, Your Voice (USA)
Youth2Youth (UK)
Youth in BC (Canada)
Youth Line (Ontario, Canada)
YouthSpace (Canada, USA)
Zelfmoordlijn (Flemish)
Chat Room
About.com Depression
All Black Clothes
Chatear depresion (Spanish)
Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance Online Support Groups
Depression Chat Rooms
Depression Recovery Groups
Edwina's Bipolar Depression Support
Healing from BPD Chat Room
Laura's Playground
Mixed Nuts Depression and Bipolar Information and Chat
On Your Mind
Reach Out
Recover Your Life
Removing Chains
Sala de Chat depresivo (Spanish)
The Site
Befrienders Malaysia
Get Connected
Kids Helpline
Lifeline Kolkata (India)
My Tears Are Real
Ó Lá Go Lá
Pieta House
San Francisco Suicide Prevention
Sneha (India)
Teen Line
The Site
Youth in BC
Youth Space
Forums (online peer support)
Tumblr - Compassion Alert
Reddit - Suicide Watch
Second Life
Professional e-Health Services
Suicide...read this first
Bullying and Depression
Coping & Self-Care
Coping Suggestions for the Suicidal Person
Coping With Suicidal Thoughts
Five Alive
Get Self-Help
The Quiet Place
Reasons to go on Living
Reasons for staying alive when you are considering suicide
Self-help Resources - mental health info in 11 languages
Suicide Help: Dealing with Suicidal Thoughts & Feelings
Suicide: The Forever Decision
What Happens Now?
Phone Hotline Directories
Chiworld: Child Helpline International
Hot Peach Pages: International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies
International Association for Suicide Prevention - Resources: Crisis Centres
International Suicide Prevention Wiki
Articles on e-mental health
Web services are not a substitute for local emergency health care. Go to a hospital when necessary.
Updated February 5, 2014. Image: "Help" by Alexandra Campo, Creative Commons 2008. Go Green! Web Icon Set created by Dawghouse Design Studio.
If you have info to share on the wiki, contact Sandra at @unsuicide or newtmedia [at] gmail.
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