terça-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2012

Something about love

O amor é uma espécie de preconceito. A gente ama o que precisa, ama o que faz sentir bem, ama o que é conveniente. Como pode dizer que ama uma pessoa quando há dez mil outras no mundo que você amaria mais se conhecesse? Mas a gente nunca conhece. Charles Bukowski

Total Eclipse Quotes

O poeta Rimbaud argumentando com o amigo Paul sobre o que acha do amor.

Arthur Rimbaud: The only unbearable thing is that nothing is unbearable.

Paul Verlaine: Do you think poets can learn from one another?
Arthur: Only if they're bad poets.

Paul: Should do something about getting it published.
Arthur: Why?
Paul: Why! 'Cause that's what writers do.
Arthur: Couldn't care less about being published. The only thing that matters is the writing itself. Everything else is literature. The last book, wasn't good enough. (O último livro)Paul: I don't think so.
Arthur: Premarital garbage. (lixo pré-nupcial)Paul: No. Lots of poems lots of people find it very beautiful.
Arthur: But they're all lies. (cheio de mentiras)Paul: They're not lies. I love 'em!
Arthur: Love...no such thing. (amor... nada disso)Paul: What do you mean?
Arthur: Whatever it is that binds families and married couples together that's not love, that's stupidity or selfishness or fear. Love doesn't exist. (Seja o que for, o que une famílias e casais não é amor, é sim estupidez, egoísmo ou medo. O amor não existe.)Paul: You're wrong.
Arthur: Self interest exists, attachment based on personal gain exists, complacency exists--but not love. Love has to be reinvented. (Interesse próprio, apego fundamentado em benefício pessoal existe, condescendência existe, mas não o amor. O amor tem de ser reinventado)
Arthur: It was last summer during the war. One of the many times I ran away from home. I came down to the river to fill my water bottle and there was a Prussian soldier not much older than me asleep in the clearing. I watched him for a long time before I realized he wasn't asleep he was dead. And somehow that clarified things for me. I understood that what I needed to become the first poet of this century was to experience everything in my body. It was no longer enough for me to be one person. I decided to be everyone. I decided to be a genius. I decided to originate the future.

Arthur: It's pathetic. Your acts of violence are always curiously disgusting.
Paul: What do you mean?
Arthur: Their not clean. You're always in some sort of drunken stupor, then you start apologizing and groveling.
Paul: I don't like hurting people.
Arthur: Then don't. But if you do, do it coolly. Don't insult your victims by feeling sorry afterwards.

Paul: What's your greatest fear?
Arthur: That other people will see me as I see them.

Paul: Shoot me!
Arthur: how can I you stupid fucker, you just blew a hole in my hand?

Rimbaud: Dogs are all liberals.

Arthur: Do you have anything in common?
Paul: No.
Arthur: Is she intelligent?
Paul: No.
Arthur: Does she understand you?
Paul: No.
Arthur: Then all she can give you is sex!!!

Arthur: My only problem with this city is that the fucking artists are more bourgeois than the fucking bourgeoisie.

Arthur: Don't expect me to be faithful to you.
Paul: Why are you so harsh to me?
Arthur: Because you need it.

Arthur: You know I am very fond of you.

Mother: What does it mean?
Arthur: It mean what it says, word for word, no more, no less.


Arthur: I found it. The sun mingled with the sea.

Wife of Paul: Why are you doing this to us?
Arthur: Don't worry, you'll get him back quite soon. Only slightly damaged.
Wife of Paul: He's coming back NOW.

Arthur: Do you love me?
Paul: Yes.
Arthur: Then put your hand on the table. Palm up.

Mother: Are you back for good?
Arthur: For good I don't know. For better or worse.

Mother-in-law: Perhaps you like a wash?
Arthur: No.
Mother-in-law: You're even younger than I imagine!
Wife: How old are you?
Mother-in-law: Darling, it's not very polite to ask people their ages!
Arthur: I need a piss.

Arthur: I choose you for a very good reason. You see, I've always known what to say. But you, have always know how to say it.

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